

Literacy At AGPS

Literacy education is fundamental to children’s success at all levels of education from early childhood to tertiary. Effective literacy programs enable students to see connections between reading and writing and allow them to engage in extended dialogues about their learning.

Literacy is broken into 3 domains: Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening. At AGPS we are committed to allocating a minimum of 10 hours per week to literacy instruction.

A typical literacy session would include a Learning Intention and Success Criteria, whole class explicit focus with teacher modelling, collaborative practice, independent practice, goal setting, feedback as well as a reflection...


Every student at AGPS from prep to grade 6 has a reading goal and a writing goal that they are working on. They have individual conferences with their teacher to evaluate and review their goals to continue to the next stage of their learning.

Student engagement in literacy is closely aligned with their own interests and ability to monitor their understanding. Therefore students have significant input into the selection of their independent texts for reading. They are shown how to select ‘just right’ texts that will keep them engaged but also provide enough challenge for them to work on their goals...


At AGPS students are assessed against the Victorian Curriculum using a number of assessment tools. These include ongoing formative assessments like Running Records, summative assessments like Fountas and Pinell Reading Assessments as well as proficiency rubrics that are used to assess student writing samples are some examples of tools used on an ongoing basis.

Above all, we aim to ensure our students develop a passion for being readers and writers and are able to use their literacy skills to become life-long learners.

Contact Info

240 Victoria St Altona Meadows, Vic 3028

03 9360 0777

Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
